Collection of E-Commerce Glossary J-O
Java A programming language standard for writing complex and graphical customer applications.
Jini Program language that allows communication.
Just-in-time Logistics management system for maximizing efficiency.
Killer application An application of the internet that creates and sustains a competitive advantage.
Knowledge management Techniques and tools for disseminating knowledge within an organization.
Localization Customising products or services to meet local demand characteristics.
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Logistics Planning and organization of movements in resources.
M-commerce Commerce using mobile technology such as cell phones, PDAs or
Metcalfe’s Law Law that states that the utility or satisfaction gained from a network or website increases exponentially with the number of users.
Middleware Software used to facilitate communication between business applications.
Moore’s Law Law that states that the density of microprocessors doubles every two years while costs decrease.
Navigation Ability to move between pages on a website.
Network infrastructure Activities that maintain and support e-business such as IT specialists, computer programmers, and Internet Service Providers.
Network organization An organization that acts as a hub bringing together geographically dispersed workers for specific tasks.
New economy Economic activity created by exploiting Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) such as the internet.
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Non-repudiation System that prevents denial of trade by any party to a transaction.
Old economy Economic activity in traditional and non-ICT activities sometimes referred to as bricks-and-mortar.
One-to-one marketing Marketing communication between a company and an individual.
Online Actively engaged in using the internet.
Online community A community of people who access an internet website for similar reasons.
Opt-in Choose to receive information via the internet.
Opt-out Choose not to receive information via the internet.
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Outbound logistics Part of the value chain dealing with the movement of products or information to customers.
Outsourcing Contracting of functional tasks to a third party.